Friday, 14 November 2008

Put out the fire on us

On Sunday I have interviewed Nathan (singer) and Matt (bass player) from the American band Cold War Kids. We had an interesting talk, mostly because their ideas seem to be so different from and so much broader than those of a lot of other bands. Interviewing them was a great experience. I haven't done the full transcription and translation yet, but I'm very curious about how it will turn out.
I had some time left between the interview and the gig, so I made a little walk through Brussels. At the Place de la Monnaie I ran into a really good busker. He played and sang everything, going from Bob Marley to Oasis. At a certain point a British guy took over the microphone and - led by the busker - performed 'Hey Joe'. I've been sitting there for quite some time, until a couple of fucking idiots started to harass me and I was glad to be saved by two lovely girls.
The Cold War Kids gig was great. I'm not such a huge fan of their albums (they're - with the exception of some class songs like 'Hospital Beds - just okay, in my opinion), but it's always amazing to see them on stage. It was the third time to me, but I enjoyed it like it was the first time. Those guys seem to breath music.

the busker (I'll upload a video later, uni is waiting for me now)

Roadburg, the support act

Cold War Kids


  1. It's very cool that you get to meet people from bands that are actually pretty big.

  2. Absolutely, it's something I really love about what I'm doing. And so far I've only had good experiences, everybody seems to be so kind towards journalists - I honestly didn't expect that!

  3. hospital beds is my favourite cold war kids song too!
