Saturday, 22 November 2008

It's so magical what you can keep inside

Brussels looks so beautiful when it's dark.


  1. The Market Square looks beautiful with all those lights in the air.

  2. Thanks for reminding me Brussels! ;) I like that city very much

  3. Hermine and I waltzed uderneath those lights. Brussels is absolutely gorgeous during the winter. I can't wait till it's nearly christmas.

  4. it reminds me of albert square in manchester, except much more magnificent.

  5. Thijs - absolutely! I was walking around there with my headphones on. I was listening to Samskeyti by Sigur Rós. Magical.

    Acclimatizer - oh great, have you been staying in Brussels?

    Gisèle - me neither! Christmas market in Brussels is lovely!

    fash - I've never seen Albert Square in real life, but judging from your pictures it's beautiful too!
