Wednesday, 2 December 2009

London part 6

And so we've arrived on my last day in London. I spent the morning on my own (Mathi and Lenny took the coach back to Belgium very early) and made a little trip to Covent Garden (I've passed your greetings, Bart!) as I was dying to see how they would have decorated it for Christmas (I am a sucker for Christmas decorations). There's a lot of picture material so you can judge yourself.

After having a great tagliatelli carbonara, I met up with Rob. We took the tube to South Kensington where he could finally show me the Natural History museum he had been telling me about for a long time. He seemed to be quite into the dinosaurs exhibits and considering my own enthusiasm for the dinosaur museum in Brussels, he said I should definitely see it. The museum was absolutely worth the visit, even if it was just for the amazing building. The architecture was fenomenal, on the inside and outside. But of course I enjoyed the dinosaurs just as much. :) Mine and Rob's favourite was the huge whale, though! We had a drink at the museum, then made a walk through Hyde Park. A part of Hyde Park was now renamed to 'Winter Wonderland', an extremely tacky but - that's the Christmas freak in me again! - also very cosy christmas market/ fair. Unfortunately there wasn't too much time left before I had to leave, so we took the tube to Liverpool Street and had one more drink and a very nice chat in the Ten Bells (Jack The Ripper pub :)). Then I headed back to Brick Lane to pick up my luggage, met up with Eloise at Liverpool Station to hand her the keys and say goodbye, then got to St. Pancras for my Eurostar. The end - but hopefully not for long!

The shop on the left ('Duke of Uke') was the cosiest ukelele shop you can possibly imagine. One night a week, they even give ukelele classes. :)

Covent Garden.

Natural History museum/the whale!

Rob and the wonderful architecture of the museum.

Winter Wonderland in Hyde Park.
Goodbye Brick Lane.


  1. Covent Garden looks just as I remember it. It seems like you had a good time down in London; I'm glad.

  2. Ten Bells is a nice pub indeed! Apart from the toilets that is.

  3. Haha, fortunately didn't make it that far! :)

  4. Hey Laura! Surprised you didn't meet up with Nathan85 and go to Crobar! Surely the highlight of any trip to London!
