Saturday, 25 April 2009

Lego Beatles


  1. she is and WHAT!
    i am SO jealous D: <<<
    i want moneyyyy so i can catch a plane over there and gate crash this gig
    i am so so so so so jealous

    and (:
    thank you very much!
    although he may look cute he is a very very cheeky boy. :P

    nah, he's actually not that bad (:

  2. For the Photo Shoot Out, Patty (I linked to her blog in my Friday Freebie post) asked me if I was interested in joining. Since then, people from all over are joining. I would just leave a comment on her blog telling her you are interested. I know she would love to have you. Gordon (also a link to his blog, same post as Patty's link) maintains a list of known participants so we can all go check out each other's towns.
    I got to pick this week's topic!


    I hope you join!

  3. Just wrote a post about The Beatles too.
    Love them lots.

  4. Hey Laura,

    Check out this link for more info on the Friday Shoot Outs


  5. Sophie - You're welcome! And yehh, reaaally looking forward to seeing them!

    Jen - Thank you for the link, it looks very interesting, I think I might join in!

    Phara - Me too! (l) Really like your post as well!

  6. Everything's better in Lego.
