Saturday, 28 March 2009

Your Blog is Fabulous Award!

A couple of days ago I received this lovely award from Jessica. Thank you so much!! If I'd be allowed to do so, I'd give you one as well, but the rules state it's my task to pass it along to 5 other blogs. But first, I have to do this other little thing:

1. Confess 5 things you are addicted to.

* music
* crisps, ice cream, coockies, all the yummie snacks you shouldn't eat
* jackets
* dancing at parties
* taking pictures

2. Pass the award on to 5 deserving bloggers.

Tough choice, but...

* Neon Enlightenment
lovely girls and blog with a great taste in music, fashion and an admirable way of living their lives

* Continuous Culture
one of the first blogs I started following and still a blog I keep on reading with a lot of pleasure

* TGIFash
another blog I've been following for quite a while; simple yet always charming blog posts

* My Moments
beautiful pictures and great stories by the lovely Jen

* Sensing Owls
a very young yet very talented photographer

Now it's up to you to pass it along!


  1. oooooh! Thanks! :) I am honored!

  2. Thanks Laura, such a shame we aren't a personal blog, we might not have been able to send the award back to you, but we would have added you to our addiction list ;) Good choices, the girl above has a great blog aswell!

  3. i just had a mammoth catch up read and found this...i am so ignorant, forgive me several thousand times! and thank you :)
