Sunday, 28 September 2008

6 euros

My favourite Belgian city must be Antwerp (and I'm not even from there), but it still keeps a lot of secrets from me. Yesterday my friend Ine (co-writer of this blog and someone I hadn't seen for waaay too long, two years to be honest) and I unraveled some of them when we met up in the beautiful city.

After having lunch (as in a berry muffin for me and chocolate pie for Ine) at the Foodmaker,

we managed to see more than the Meir (for the non-Belgians: famous shopping street in Antwerp) for once.
It was enough to walk into a sidestreet to find the Think Twice, a charming vintage shop that was having a sell-out. (thanks for the tip, Phara!) For only 6 euros I bought these two beauties:


  1. Hoera voor Antwerpen-liefde! Overduidelijk de geweldigste stad in heel de wereld en het centrum van het universum. Als je nog winkeltips wilt, wil ik er gerust wat geven! Ikzelf verschijn nooit op de Meir, alleen voor de Urban Outfitters en die vintage winkel in de zijstraat.

  2. Oei, en ik ben dan van antwerpen en de mijne is brussel :)

  3. Nikki - Winkeltips zijn altijd welkom, cheers!

    Tim - Het gras is altijd groener.. :p Maar Brussel is wel m'n nummer 2!
